Monday, June 29, 2009

The Marketing of Auto Repair Shops

There I am purchasing Pelligrino and other assorted dellicacies of italian flavor whence upon my eye catches the verbage on the sweatshirt of the gentleman in front of me. It says (name changed)

Frankies Auto Repair
Specializing in foreign and domestic Repairs

What, does Joey down the street rebuild UFOs?

Maybe I`m missing something.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

In defense of our infastructure....

As some of you are well aware, the 2008 debut release of Vampire Weekend is an excellent work which in my opinion all fans of life should own.

I do however take exception with the bands musing of traffic woes into and out of Cape Cod in their song "Walcott".

The line "Walcott, the Bottleneck is a shit show", flies in the face of the successul $60 million Sagamore Rotary project completed in 2006. Accidents have been halved and, though some congestion remains, you would be hard pressed to find anyone categorize passage to or from the Cape as a "Shit Show".

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The buddy system

I had an interesting thought while on a date last night. Over my dating career my I have met many young women on evenings just like last night where once the microphone was passed I listened intently as they articulated there passions, desires, and dreams to me. Though the uniqueness of people in general results in a new story each night, one begins to parcel out or categorize if for no other reason than to ease recall should there be a second date (however unlikely lately) and I need to show that I was in fact listening and I am actually interested.

What I`m getting at is I think I could start a friend service for the women of the metro boston area. If you are into biking, I know several girls who enjoy a well greased chain. If you like traveling I`m sure I can set u up with a gaggle of girls just waiting to jump on a plane with a well charged camera and big black sunglasses. Name a sport and I've probably dated an avid participant.

I`ve never deleted a number, so ladies if you look around and your friends just aren`t cutting it, feed me some criteria and I`ll set you up with a new BFF.